Tuesday, February 23, 2010

??? Japa 5 LIVES!

okay its been a long time for this series too

and since vol 1 of sun ken was completed i thought i should give other series some love

......( saddly koibana has no tl)

and japa 5 will continue for a chapter or two

and we can get back to sun ken rock.

( good laugh here and there is what i love about this series)

NOTE i know there numbering is off, i just got lazy and didnt feel like renumbering the whole chap.. so i just stuck and 'a' in the 16a5 since that is where it belongs

so i know i messed up XD, even though all pages are in right order

I'm also still looking for japanese or korean translators

here it is

since people wanted a second link here


Fabian920 said...

Thank you very much for all of your Sun-Ken Rock translations.

I really do wish that I hadn't found out about this mangas existence until it was finished ;(

Really into Ken Rock, so thanks again.

Also, if you ever need russian-english translations or english editing please do contact.


Raiser said...

woah where did you get that cool backround for your blog <3 i would love it on my desktop Ö_Ö

carrotop said...

haha i found it "randomly" online XD

its how i find all my pics heheh

you just need to right click and > view background

there you can save the image for your desktop

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