Wednesday, February 17, 2010

4 day Delay please

Since people just upload anyways

i just hope that they will have some sincerity to give the release a 4 day wait period before uploading it on online sites..

I mean the upload will still happen just wait a while is all i'm asking >.>

( i realized my error and this is what i have to offer).
I'm pretty sure most sites will comply..... but if ( uploaders don't start reading)
boy this is going to be a mess)


Unknown said...

Hello this is Ninja from, we respect your time delay and will try to implement it on our site. Thank You for all your hard works.
More Power.

-MangaHut Staffs

Scotth266 said...

Quick question: was the panel where Ken says "Stop blabbering those bullshits!" intentionally translated that way? Seems to me a better way of putting it would be "Stop spewing such bullshit!", or something like that... because bullshits is not a word :( Considering the context of the situation, it could also be interpreted as "Stop saying bullshit like that about yourself!", though that's probably not entirely accurate to the translations. I don't speak a lick of Korean, I'm just trying to interpret what you've translated so it sounds more English-friendly.

Also the tea house girl said something like "Gang Garugi has always been known for their bad doings": this should probably be something more like "Gang Garugi has always been known for causing problems/a ruckus/trouble."

I love reading Sun-Ken Rock and hope that you guys keep up the good work (and that people quit being dicks and swiping your work to post it on reader sites.) You should probably contact the folks at Manga Fox (the most popular site I've found your work on) to sort the situation out: they'll more than likely be willing to let you have a four-day delay so you can get some traffic on your own site.

Oh, and nice picture of Despair Sensei.

shin said...

i also replied on your thread in mangahut. i'm an admin there.

5 days is a bit too much to handle, really. can't we get to a compromise and get a lower number of days? :)

PS: i am a scanlator as well so i know the work that goes into a single release and so i kinda understand why you want your release to be delayed.

DanteX13 said...

hopefully they do listen and Ty for the scan, again.

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