Friday, March 26, 2010

Japa 5 ch7

okay it seems like a while since the last release
and yes, Sun ken will be release at the good old MQ  since people are giving this series a chance ^^

now for japa 5. it will be released here and there.....
oh warning i guess...tiz ecchi ahhaha

and will make you laugh once in a while XD

Get it here

Sunday, March 21, 2010


YES, its ch8 but, I'm going to ask again that online manga viewing sites please wait 4 days  before uploading
so that this series has a chance. I'm not asking much.

I know some sites like

These sites are just examples that dont like to listen.....which is why I'm asking the uploaders to actually listen. 

 This is all i ask.( for the series), if people dont listen. I will have to release. very low quality version.....
and that just hurts the eyes......

I'm looking for translates to help out with another series i want to do after volume 2 so please send me an email.

lastly, i found someone who was confused with ch7. let me lighten things up.
**Mama-san: Head of prostitute or usually a pub leader which commands over the ladies of service.
Is aka: miss Ryu. 
she is mama in the eyes of Ji-hui..

Ji-hui: the girl ken saved a while back. ( was waitress in i think ch3) very kind and innocent.

Spoiler ( is what i think before you read this)
Ken: messed up because around ch6 he attacked the opposing gang, which caused trouble. therefore 
payback is needed by the other gang......
leading to now.... 

hopefully this clears things up for people.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What,,,,,its Sun ken ch7!

yes, after 3 weeks, ( more like 1 because of finals)
sun ken is officially being released again ^^ yaaay
This chap was kind of tough...since i actually did the redraws this time  ( be happy) 
and thanks to speck, and lylicaP. for typesetting the chapter so fast...please give them your thanks
  especially the translator: Flame of hazard........main reason why i can continue sun ken  also reason why i'm looking for more translators

As far as im concerned with the story, ( freaken awesome) its gettting really series
so Read it slowly.
Don't know when another chap will be released.....maybe in a week or less  
NOW get to it.( posted 2 dl links so people dont get this and that again ^^ )
Download mirror 
oh  and hopefully   people will abide the 4 days delay i asked for