Tuesday, February 23, 2010

??? Japa 5 LIVES!

okay its been a long time for this series too

and since vol 1 of sun ken was completed i thought i should give other series some love

......( saddly koibana has no tl)

and japa 5 will continue for a chapter or two

and we can get back to sun ken rock.

( good laugh here and there is what i love about this series)

NOTE i know there numbering is off, i just got lazy and didnt feel like renumbering the whole chap.. so i just stuck and 'a' in the 16a5 since that is where it belongs

so i know i messed up XD, even though all pages are in right order

I'm also still looking for japanese or korean translators

here it is

since people wanted a second link here

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

4 day Delay please

Since people just upload anyways

i just hope that they will have some sincerity to give the release a 4 day wait period before uploading it on online sites..

I mean the upload will still happen just wait a while is all i'm asking >.>

( i realized my error and this is what i have to offer).
I'm pretty sure most sites will comply..... but if ( uploaders don't start reading)
boy this is going to be a mess)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Where is it, where is Sun ken rock !

Its has been a really long time, since the last release, that was due to the midterms i had to deal with and that i recently got a game XD

real life has its effects.

This chapter has ADULT written all over it haha

so that was your warning, ( of me not be responsible)

PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD TO ONLINE VIEWING/ DOWNLOADING sites. i dont have to explain why....

I'm also still looking for korean translators of ID......its run dry...><
and japanese translators all well ( its been tough luck for me >.>)

now here is ch6 Which comes to the end of volume 1 whoooo

Stay tun for vol 2 ^^ things get serious XD