Hey Guys, its time to shed a bit of information, before information about us gets distorted and we get some sort of bad reputation.
To start it off we approached XscansX to propose a joint and they rejected it. And that they replied with an arrangement, and we had agreed. now around 3 days ago
In response to the recent fall through between XscansX attempted truce, Random Scans would respectfully like to say, that Random's release was not an infringement on the truce. It was an act of celebration for a valued team member's birthday. So releases were off by a day, by which XscansX was told of a day before release.
We regret that XscansX felt a need to retaliate and break their own rules and purposely break the agreement between us that they originally put forth
Your insight what you believe about the topic is appreciated.
( its good to hear from both sides before judging )
The info presented was just an excerpt, of what went overall. if you want to know a complete
view, make a post.
The info presented was just an excerpt, of what went overall. if you want to know a complete
view, make a post.
or you can dl
ch 57- ch69
is that already translated to english?
XscansX scans are crap. I don't really care what they think about you guy's Pull an Amaru and tell them to go to hell and beat them with quality.
Thanks for this guys.
PS: chapter 65 link is dead.
Wow, this is awesome. Thanks a lot. Don't forget to add all of this on MangaUpdates. :P
I don't get what the problem was with the agreement though. I also don't get on the infringement of truce that you mention.
Nonetheless, I support both groups as long as this remains as a peaceful, competitive scanning activity.
Thanks for the double volume release!
Thanks for the massive sun ken rock release.
wow you pwned them with this batch release.
they are also complaining that they get on 1/3 of the downloads for SKR now, maybe they didn't think that to skip that annoying adf.ly people would just bookmark the folder they use on the hosting websites.
now i hope you won't die like blackwing did XD
Ch 65 link is dead and thanks for the release.
Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate all the hard work put into this!
Awesome! :3
Haha, personally I think you guys should make up
we're all oy human, no?
It's such a shame to see effort being wasted so that there's two chapters from two scanlation groups
And the quality of the scans vary for each group, if you guys jointed then it'd be more consistent
anyways, Ty for the scans
Wow that was some release you got there. Sweet
Woooo thinks for the release and good luck to continue on
Thanks for the releases
keep up the good work
don't mind others
You guys are champs, thank you for the release keep them coming!
thanks for the releases
Well that all sucks but thanks for the uber release. You guys rule
Download link not working.
OMG! Wow, mass release FTW.
thanks for the releases
Wow. Amazing release. Good job guys. A question for anyone...
does chapter 65 foreshadow what could happen to the girls? Or did that really happen? 66 has the girls being taken away to be "delivered", so that makes me think the stuff in 65 hasnt happened yet..
Thanks for the chapters, they were Awesome.
Also did you notify xscans when you were going to release two chapters and why you were. They might have just seen that you released two chapters on mangaupdates and assumed you broke the agreement without knowing why you did it. If they knew then they would probably been fine with it but they probably didn't know. Good luck resolving they situation.
Thank you very very much!!
Regardless of what comes of this spat, the readers win.
Thank you for your hard work, though.
I shall comment on your situation. Well, just for background information, I can't stand when I see a scanlation group get bent out of place with another scanlation group about them "stealing their project." Because frankly, there is no such thing as stealing a manga project simply because it's not own to any scanlators. In situations like those, working together on something both parties want to work on seems like a great idea, for multiple reasons. So, I hate to say it, I can't think of reasons why XscansX wouldn't consider a joint. But, you guys came to an agreement were I assume you were going to alternate releases in some way. Which is great. But, getting upset over you wanting to celebrate someone's birthday in the only way you can, seems slightly childish. Even more so, from my understanding, because you actually notified them of it. So simply, in my opinion, you just can't please everyone. So, I wouldn't sweat it. Continue to do what you enjoy and screw anyone that seems to have an unnecessary problem with it.
Super randomscanlations, I love you!
Scanlation wars, where the leecher always wins, the problem is that the scanlators get so worn out that most people doesn't notice all the resources and effort that is behind that war, so first as a humble leecher I want to say thanks for the effort, and you deserve a well earned rest; second, as a recomendation, a renegotiation of a truce might be welcome after this.
Salutes from Chile.
The mere fact that you're using mediafire while they don't makes this a no-brainer. Random Scanlations all the way.
from the time i found typos in xscans release, i moved over to yours :D
your release is sometimes a bit late compared to them, but it's ok.
i also highly appreciate your mediafire sharing files since i can resume download it compared to xscans depositfiles
keep up the good work mate
guys i for one , as a reader/fan, don't really give a fuck, as long as we can read some quality shit :) competition is sometimes meant to be benefactory for both sides, other than that why would we want a truce :) less manga?,HA! :D shine on shine on
p.s.: both the scanlating groups are kinda acting like little uptight kids in my opinion :D
p.s.s.: yay for the giant release :d i just got more curious about the dude if he's gonna let tentation drive him or not :D tam tam tam.... lights camera flip pages!
why so much drama... anyways thanks for the release this is freaking awesome
Thanks alot!
<3 u!
Awesome release, that's all I gotta say.
knew this manhwa was popular and thought it was a bit weird to see two groups translating it separately... but nonetheless, I am a bit curious.
could I get a complete view of what happened? I checked xscanx forums too, but didn't find much besides tons of flaming.
:D thanks for the releases btw
Thanks a lot for the releases.
not sure why two groups are scanlating this but in the end more enjoyment for the viewers
i woke up 2day had so much work 2 do, so many university applications 2 write and to do something with the government. now even if its a few minutes i am forgetin it and just enjoing a good manga, thanks guys, thank you very much ;) sincerly your lurker
I love you guys :D
I fucking love you guys!!
Don't worry guys, you are the right one.
They (xscanx) always pick a fight with other groups (like Blackwing, Random scans, etc). If they are so great why not offer their help to other groups, and maybe most people will have acknowledged them with great respect (although leecher seems don't realy care at all).
Thank you very very much for the Super awesome release! :D
Oh man thanks for the release guys. I loved chapter 68!
Just to say to the third anonymous from me Black Wing is the one who started a fight with Xscansx over Nozoki Ana.
Both Xscansx and RS have their reason for not proposing the joint. Watch out Xscansx's forum to see they had been fighting over a joint for a long time but at last it didn't happen.
I don't know how many of you guys come here to say "you're right" and then go there saying "you're awesome". It's just frustrating!
it is totally futile to fight against a group like XscansX. those guys will catch up in no time in the end and with the lead.
Sweet Jesus! Thanks for the whopping batch release! Not only did you 1 up XscansX, you did it 9 times in one post >.>
Great job ^_^
this sound a lot like scene wars ... but like other persons posted before me ... is not like you/others own the manga itself so if you like to release it no one can stop you
XscansX i hope is a group that understands the meaning of a birthday event, especially that you as a group announced them before you will release a batch of this manga to celebrate it.
i do understand how much work it put in releasing them from cleaning/typesetting etc but imo even if XscansX is a good group they should at least understand is not a normal thing u guys did so many chapters, it was just to celebrate smth and they should at least wish your member a hb.
anyway hb to your member, thx a lot for the batch and i hope this beginning of an war will die fast and you 2 groups return to friendlier terms.
sincerely ours,
The Leecher
well... since vol 11 was released about 1 month ago in french, i hate to break ur heart u all, but i guess we will have to wait a while for the next chaps...
Super indeed.
This is freaking awesome !!! You guys are the stars :D So many chapters of an awesome manga just makes it up for a whole week ^^ Thank you, thank you !!! Also, since on MU it says vol 11 is the last released one, then you have caught up with the recent chapters?
This is clearly the best manga i've ever read so far, really good work you all!
In cany case, if you guys are interested in changing ur website appearance to phpBB or some kind of new portal, with free hosting.. email me :)
I'll do it for you guys, for subbing that many in a row :D
If Boichi saw this about scanlate wars.. both of you are screwed... =)
Thanks for the great work.
I just don´t understand why you guys and xscansx just can't get along, i hope that both will come to an agreement because that way SKR releases may come with even better quality.
It seems like SKR is getting more popular.
i love you guys. thank you for the good scans. more power to you guys.
Thanks for this!!
Is it true that comments are regulated here? Such as comments are deleted if they don't agree with the group's opinions? Just curious.
When i try to download v9 on mediafire this comes out
- Password Protected File -
Please enter the password below to download this file
my question is, whats the password?
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