so looking for applicants to apply and help out a bit.
and those of you readers in the other side of the world, sorry its not the weekend....but RL gets in the way.
hopefully ch30 will be much smoother than this.
And I would like to hear feedback on our release schedule... i mean i try to keep them within the 1-2 week that should be okay..i mean its our free time used to release chapters for free.
Mirror hotfile
since a lot of people have been asking about the credits page

there a clean version, i wont reveal how i got it. but its an original art. so it isnt based off a series or anything
also glad people like the choices of credit pages i use, they correlate to the chapter somehow ^^
Thanks for the great release
I don't know about anyone else but I prefer quality to speed. Now as I don't archive MQ is fine for me and as you can do that in 1-2weeks. I'm happy.
Thanks for the Hardwork
Extreme good job!
Thanks for the realease.
I'll waiting the next ^^
Good quality scans, a release time close enough that I dont even have to wonder "hey, is this stuff discontinued ?", you dont have to ask if you do a good job : you do :)
Thanks for your work
Thanks man.
Duuuude, you gotta tell me where you got the credit image from.
Yes, thanks for the releases. We don't mind having to wait 1-2 weeks.
Good luck with mid terms
thank you so much for the release, love sun ken rock! i have a question, what manga or comic is the last picture from in this chapter, epic picture.
Thank you for the release as always:) I think the release schedule is good!
I was just wondering is that picture (the last page/credits page) from some manga/manhwa or is it just some random picture?
what picture is that from?
Thank you all for your hard work.
PS: Where did the picture used for credits page came from? Looks great
Thxs alot for the chapter and I dont mind 1-2 week releases as long as u post a update every now and then it makes me feel better thxs alot
does anyone know, from which manga the picture at the beginning from chapter 13 is.
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