OMG its only been 11 days since ch3....is this web blog right ???!
yes people, Sun-ken Rock got release faster OMG Something going right for a change XD.
since people have been crying out for a faster release,
and you know what,
Random Scanlations will personally release ch5 Next week, yes that's right, in 7 days. ch5 will be released, if I don't see ch 4 on any online manga viewer or download.
Since i have asked in the last chapter for it not to be hosted up >.>
people should listen up more. XD
So here it is. ch 4 ^^
looking for translators... please help out.
Dude what about Psycho Busters? Have you dropped it or what?
Aww, don't do the A-Team thing. :X
Thanks you for all your hard work. I'm looking forward to reading this series.
I just read this and it's the first manga to make me laugh pretty dam hard in a long time ;3
if there's anything i can do to get the chapters faster count me in xD
Psycho Busters depends on Queenofmuffins,
i dont have a tl from her since the last release.....
and havent heard from her at all, so please talk to her.
Ex3crati0n please send me an email of what you can help with
translate, typeset, cleaning. raw providing
Too late. :(
I found it on OneManga first stupid alphabetical order for bookmarks.
you know what i did too last night... like 2 hours after i made the release.
wow seems like onemanga knows how to be a jerk and not listen.
Thanks for the repply carrotop... I have sent a pm to QOM on MH. Let us hope for the best!!
Thanks for the chapter!!!
Queenofmuffins here.o/
I haven't dropped Psycho Busters. ^^
Just a little busy working 2 jobs to pay for my Japan trip next month.~~
I did release the trans for chapter 20 awhile ago! :O
Here's the link: http://mangahelpers.com/t/queenofmuffins/releases/18304
I released it on December 16th. :3
haha then water mark the next release with...let's say.....One Manga sucks @ss lol..
anyhow great release as always looking forward to next chapter eager anticipation.
Thank u for the cap.
hmm, i dont like this way, but sugooi scans does it now, release it on another manga viewer so they can't access it, and put up download links later. try mangatoshokan, they seem to be pretty respectful of scanlators wishes
well.. at least it's not on mangafox... yet...
xD 7 day turn around? That'll be a lot of work for the TS (me)! ;p
okay wow, XD
as for 7 day thing its not that bad lol
i mean i havent given you work for a week or so lol
and as for queen, XD i didnt notice the tl
i pmed you a long time ago lol never got a reply
as for this little fiasco that has gotten people like mad at me, i just wanted to exercise my power ;P
and mangafox is nice, they are the first to respect my replies. ^^
well that means you should get started on that stuff so I have time to TS this weekend ;p
Waiting on proof read XD.
Working on it. XD
Hi, thanks for the hard work on your scanlations, well.
First off all, sorry, I got caught up a little on the moment, and endend up uploading your work to onto the online reader mangatoshokan.com, without asking you guys first.
Well so now I'm formally asking if its ok^^
Tho I'm not the one that did your's psycobuster 19 chapter, I also ask if its ok to upload that one too when you release.
And if you do not with to be uploaded, or wish to have a waiting period after the releases, you can post on this thread:
You know, if you contact OneManga via support, to alert them not to upload the chapter, they'll do so. :)
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