wow once again, its been a while XD
and yes here is koibana, we are continuing the series deepening if the tl comes back ><
sun-ken rock might be up sometime this week depending on the ts XD.
and if possible i can get a Japanese tl to help me out on a series.
now here is the link
I can't read kanji that well ;_;
Still learning though, want to read Koibana asap xD
Anyway, actually I just wanted to let you know that Chapter 15 has been removed from MangaFox.
hello? ive been meaning to ask if you're still continuing koibana onsen?..
I kept telling Carrotop to mention that we're still doing it. XD Actually we have a couple of chapters TLed. But we need help in getting them out. Not to mention we need a TLer for the series again. lol
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