so here it is.
opps my bad, still had the nonbiri ..thing on it XD
tiz the one with proper name, heh, still getting used to the new name ^^
shit, i just realized a major error ><
also for those of you who didnt get chapter 1
get that here Sun-ken Rock chapter1
First comment Yay.
And Thanks for a great release :D Iv bin waiting for over 2 months for this chapter... so I want too ask if we may expect this series too be reguler? and expect the next release in oh I dont know, 3-6 days?
I like this mangá, as here in the brazil doesn't have, I'm reading.
thanks for the release!
i'm no good writing
valeu pelo mangá ;)
Dude, I have been waiting for the continuation of this manga. Thanks a lot and keep the good work
I will keep supporting you guys as long as you keep me happy with my Sun-Ken Rock :P smily :)
where is chapter 1?
Thank you for this release. Keep up good work!
man this manga is quite a find xP..
can't wait for more and keep up the good work :D
Witchhunter (Ukraine)
Excellent work guys!!!
I as always wish to help You/
Teach me how you edit!
If you do not teach me, I will come to you at night and steal your meal at refrigerator! =)
Chapter 1 was scanlated by Nonbiri EnArrais...
Awesome manga. pLZ release more! <3
yeah ch1 was by nonbiri, and I'm from nonbiri, but i left and this project came with me ^^.
send me an email if you want to help out
woaw thanks for this, this manga is great!
Thanks for the release, Im liking the story ardy :D
Thanks for doing this manga, I just read the first 2 chapters, and they're awesome!
good work, man.
But where can i find vol1
I am abit late in finding this manga. can some one reupload the first 5 volume?
You can find all the released volumes on our forums.
Link to the forums can be found just below the Random Scanlations Title.
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