Hey Guys, its time to shed a bit of information, before information about us gets distorted and we get some sort of bad reputation.
To start it off we approached XscansX to propose a joint and they rejected it. And that they replied with an arrangement, and we had agreed. now around 3 days ago
In response to the recent fall through between XscansX attempted truce, Random Scans would respectfully like to say, that Random's release was not an infringement on the truce. It was an act of celebration for a valued team member's birthday. So releases were off by a day, by which XscansX was told of a day before release.
We regret that XscansX felt a need to retaliate and break their own rules and purposely break the agreement between us that they originally put forth
Your insight what you believe about the topic is appreciated.
( its good to hear from both sides before judging )
The info presented was just an excerpt, of what went overall. if you want to know a complete
view, make a post.
or you can dl
ch 57- ch69