Saturday, April 24, 2010

Long long time no see

Okay, since i was sick the past week.....its been really tough to catch up with sun ken rock

and I have asked for help via translations and cleaning one wanted to help....except one person, but sorry i cant teach you how to redraw.

now its time to release ch 10, its a good chapter...after that cliff-hanger...sorry for the long wait
i'm using one link now, cause no one even downloaded once via the second link i set up last time
GET it here

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Looking for People who can redraw

...these redraws are getting i'm looking for help in that department....

i'm not so good at redrawing, which is why its taking me a while for releases./......

so someone please help out...cause i just might now redraw anymore..( and that looks ugly)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

NUMBERS>>> ORDER seems that people are having issues with the order that you can read the chapter...its just some...

and i listen the the people...
so i am just now going to do this


the first number is the chapter number 
and the (#) is now the page number

so it simplifies everything........okay.

Friday, April 2, 2010


well, if a warning.....
for sun ken ch9....please do read...

Also I'm please to say that the uploader did listen to me about 
the 4 day waiting period...and I hope they dont forget. 

So in response....I have redraw what i could....with this chapter as well ....going to love the split page i did heheh.( the art looks F****** amazing, p15-16)

XD. also...maybe a slow down....cause school is here and exams are ....douchy....